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Mentoring with​:

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Enterprise Toronto - Entrepreneur Mentoring Program

The Entrepreneur Mentoring Program matches new business owners and start-up entrepreneurs with experienced peers who can provide guidance and encouragement.

To be eligible to participate in the Entrepreneur Mentoring Program you must first:

Want to participate in the mentoring program? Click here

Do you want to be a Mentor? Click here.

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Life Mentoring Program

Development of the mentee depends on exploring career aspirations, strengths and weaknesses, collaborating on means to “get there,” implementing strategies, and evaluating along the way. I provide the “light” or suggestions for the mentee to follow sharing my life experience.


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As Arrive Ambassadors, we are excited to be a part of a growing network of people who believe in strengthening the newcomer community to build a better Canada. Through Arrive, we support newcomers with knowledge sharing in peer chats, building lasting connections, and sharing lessons learned both on and off the platform.

More than 800 skilled immigrants to be mentored in this national program.

Learn more here:


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Do you want to be an  Arrive Ambassador? Just click here.



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